Families interested in beginning the admission process for their children must follow these steps:
For students from preschool 2 onwards, the application test will help us to know the student’s level of English, Spanish and mathematics in order to identify opportunity areas that teachers must take care in the classroom.
This test is carried out through a visit of approximately 4 hours, where the student will have the opportunity to take a class session in both Spanish and English, as well as living with students and enjoying play time.
In the evaluation day it’s essential to bring the following items:
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Notebook
- Lunch for lunch time
- Extra clothes (For students from preschool 2 to 1rs grade of elementary school)
This evaluation is free and must be scheduled at least 2 business days in advance. The results are delivered within a period of 2 business days after the visit.
It consists of two steps, submitting documentation and filling out the online registration card.
- Once the evaluation results have been delivered and the student is admitted, the next step is to present the required documentation according to the educational level at which you want to enroll. Wich is listed below:
Note: if the documentation is not delivered, the parent has as a maximum delivery time, 2 weeks after the registration payment.
- On the same day of the delivery of documentation, the registration card must be filled out online ( with which the student will be registered on our school management system, Algebraix.
Note: The register must be in capital letters and without accents.
Once the registration card has been filled out and the documentation has been delivered the corresponding admissions advisor will provide you Access to our school management system, where you must complete the registration process described below:
Once the “Registration process” has been completed, the registration amount will appear in your account statement and you can proceed to make the payment as indicated below: