Early Childhood Center
Early Childhood Center
As an IB World School, Colegio Americano de San Carlos ensures that all of its students become conscious of their role as part of a global community. By becoming learners with attributes such as open-mindedness, balanced, caring and knowledgeable thinking, they develop not only the solid communicative skills, but they are also not afraid of taking well assessed risks to thrive.
In early childhood development, which goes from 3-5 years; in order for children to develop those attributes and become lifelong learners, several milestones in maturation, psychodynamics, psychological, cognitive, behavioral, ecological and information processes have to be achieved for students to begin a well-rounded educational path.
Our English immersion program with the use of state of the art IT technology, several disciplinary special classes and the arts programs, has been acknowledged as a proven teaching methodology for our students to succeed in that path. In addition, it nurtures children in acquiring a second language and other basic skills in the learning process. Through the use of their imagination, inquiry and cognitive process, students are always actively learning about the world around them with emotions, family and life. Children learn to be caring and empathetic when they become involved in community service projects and learn about sustainability when they reduce, reuse, and recycle materials.
When your kids are enrolled in CASC Preschool you have the guarantee that they will become bilingual lifelong learners, thirsty for knowledge and with the skills to not only understand their surroundings, but also inquire about them in their natural state and what can be done to improve them.
When our kids finish their preschool, they become bilingual, fun, charismatic, happy open-minded thinkers and doers.